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Autumn 2020 Faure Requiem and Brahms Song of Destiny 

** Please note we will be taking a half-term break on Monday Oct. 26, so there will be no rehearsal that evening ** 

Video and Music Score Links for Rehearsals
Here is the link to the live Zoom transmission of our one-hour rehearsals by Will Vann on Mondays at 7:30 p.m.



Meeting ID: 722 470 5733

Password: 1873


Please note that by simply clicking on this link, you will be able to watch and listen to Will's live transmission and fully participate in the rehearsal, which lasts one hour.  It will be on Zoom and you do not need to download any software or set up any account.

We very much look forward to getting together at 7:30 p.m. on Monday evening for our online rehearsal, and hope as many of you as possible can take part. The Zoom room will be active from 7:15 p.m., so you can access it any time after that if you would like to have some leeway to make sure you are fully set up before the start or simply chat with others. If anyone does have difficulty accessing the rehearsal, please message and we will ensure we are monitoring that closely during the rehearsal and will reply quickly.

Below are podcast links to the Faure and Brahms series that Will is producing.

Here is the link to the first video in Will Vann's 10-part series


Here is the link to the second video


Here is the link to the third video

Here is the link to the fourth video

Here is the link to the fifth video

We are delighted that for our Autumn 2020 programme we will be able to offer the choir the possibility of rehearsing Faure's Requiem, a wonderfully melodic piece many of you will have already sung on more than one occasion, and also Brahms's Schicksalslied, which is perhaps less widely known but equally moving.

Our Music Director William Vann has once again very kindly offered to produce a series of fortnightly video podcasts, each about 15 minutes long, similar to the videos he made for the Rachmaninov Vespers and the summer programme, to be made available fortnightly to the choir between September 7th and mid-November and providing a framework for rehearsal at home.

The sheet music can be accessed online or can be purchased through South London Music or Amazon, and details on that have been circulated by email.

According to the Oxford Companion to Music, Faure wrote his Requiem in January 1888 when he was 42, shortly after his mother's death. Notes on the Choraline website say it lasts about 35 minutes and has seven movements: 

1. Introit et Kyrie (D minor)
2. Offertoire (B minor)
3. Sanctus (E flat major)
4. Pie Jesu (B flat major)
5. Agnus Dei et Lux Aeterna (F major)
6. Libera me (D minor)
7. In Paradisum (D major)

The text is in latin, except for the Kyrie, which is in Greek. While the piece was performed at Faure's own funeral in 1924, it didn't reach England until 1936, but has since become firmly established in the repertoire. 

We are recommending the OUP/Rutter version if you are purchasing a new copy, although many of you may have the Novello or other versions, and those are totally fine too.

Here is a link to a free online downloadable version of the CPDL Philip Legge edition recommended by Will if you prefer that.

For our other major piece in the Autumn programme, we will be singing Brahms's Schicksalslied. According to the Oxford Companion to Music, Brahms wrote it in 1871, at the age of about 38, some three years after he had completed his German Requiem. 

It was the year he really settled in Vienna, after spending much of his earlier life in Hamburg, Hanover and Baden-Baden, and it marked the start of his conductorship of the orchestra and chorus of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in the city.

We are recommending the Carus edition for those of you purchasing new copies, but again there are free downloadable versions available. The Breitkopf is available here: 

Alternatively there is a historic, single stave edition without English translation, which is also available:,_S._226f.pdf

We very much hope that as many of you as possible will be able to watch the podcasts and take part in the Zoom rehearsals.




Dulwich Choral Society


Registered Charity Number 264764

President Dame Emma Kirkby

Musical Director William Vann

Chair Dr. Rosemary Leonard

Membership Secretary Jane & Michael Palmer

Content © Dulwich Choral Society

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