Support Us
New choir members are always welcome. If you are interested in joining the choir,
please contact Jane & Michael Palmer by e-mail for more details.

Support Us
The Friends of Dulwich Choral Society are a group of people, often past or present members, but also those who enjoy coming to our concerts and social events whenever possible, who are interested in ensuring the future stability of the choir by supporting it with regular donations. New Friends will be warmly welcomed.
Benefits of becoming a Friend include:
mailings of details of past and future programmes, events and news
on request, reserved seats for concerts in local churches
a free interval drink with any reserved seat
recognition of Friends in concert programmes
a Friends contact within the choir.
Duiwich Choral Society is a registered charity, number 264764. Donations made under Gift Aid will enable the income tax to be recovered as an additional benefit. If we do not already possess a Gift Aid form we will ask new Friends to complete one.
For more information, please contact:
Mike Shepherd
e-mail: friendsdcs@gmail.com